Monday, July 9, 2012

Whew! Internet!!

Hello everyone I hope I can fit in everything I want to say.

Everything has been good. Friday was the last day that I got to see the wheelchair team. Actually It was very sad to see them go, our time seemed very short. They saw 69 people that day which is a lot. Unfortunately a van came when we had already packed everything up. There was nothing we could do, and it was a very sad situation. The most we could do was pray and tell them to come back next year.

Actually I wasn't there very much on Friday. Justin and I were stolen away to go to a village called Pagwini to deliver bricks. Ok actually I didn't do anything... the locals moved all the bricks into the trucks, out of the trucks... I just kinda watched. Typical. Very typical haha. Pagwini is the village that Justin's church will visit when they come. They are going to use the bricks we brought to make a piggery and maybe a latrene. It's really remote, and in the dump truck it took a good hour to hour 1/2 to get there. Man... now I see why having teams here is so exhausting for Aloysius. There is so much work involved!

Haha... actually we had a pretty interesting experience. So we were driving a small dump truck and... as Aloysius put it.... "We drive in to bush to pick rock!" that means we basically drove deep deep deep into the grass to put a bunch of bug boulders into the back of the truck. It was the funniest thing I have done so far... There was no road, no dirt path.... just tall grass. Hopefully I can download a picture so you can see.

Friday night we had a dinner and said goodbye to the team. It was really nice, I have never had roasted goat before! Saying goodbye is sad. I am going to miss Jill, pastor Greg, and everyone else.

Saturday was a blast. We have had a few african interns here from Mekere University doing sports science... actually Justin and I hang out with them a lot. Anyway, they did their final project Saturday which was an inter church competition. It was SO FUN. :)

It was supposed to start at 10..... of course it didn't start until about one. We did relay running, a 100 meter sprint, a sack race, and a really weird relay at the end. I did the baton relay (They pronounce it Batton, like Batton Rouge) and then I was forced into the 100 meter sprint. Thankfully it wasn't as embarrassing as I thought it was going to be when I was standing on the start line next to tall african women.  I came last, but at least I put up a fight. Then I did the really weird relay with a team of all whites... me, Justin, Cara, and Jake (who are a couple that live in town).

At the end there was a dance competition and of COURSE I danced :) Justin thinks I can't dance, but the Africans liked it. I made it pretty far, but Jake tied with a 60 year old women in the end. This event was so fun... you know, Ugandans really enjoy the simplest things. I appreciate that they don't ever get embarrassed and just enjoy everything. I have been trying to be more like that.

That night Esther told me I was speaking in church the next day. ...... AHH. I wasn't super nervous, but once I was talking it was really intimidating. I just chose to say my testimony and it was like 15mins of talking. I have never done that before. After I spoke, Esther was talking because Aloysius was attending some village church. She talked for sooooo long, but whenever she talks I just have to listen. She speaks with such authority and her wisdom is so rich. She is kinda like a dark chocolate German cake.... Yummm. I miss American dessert.

Speaking of America, Justin and I got dropped at the "Coffee Hut" yesterday. Ok. Weird! It was just like being at home. Really really weird.... I had a wrap with french fries and the fatty food just knocked me out. I eat so healthy here. It's all matoke, rice, beans, fruits, cabbage, that kinda stuff. When I go home it will be so hard to adjust.

Ok I am done. Hopefully it won't be another week, but sooner the next time I update.

Oh and thank you for your prayers. I have started taking my meds at night and it is really helping with the issues I was having. I appreciate that so many of you are thinking about me, it means so much.

This is me and Heather, the one girl intern from Mekere. We have become good friends! I really like her :)

Ok this is what we drove though to get the rock from the bush......

 This is a picture of Esther and Aloysius's home. I sleep in that room with the window on the far right. The ladies are watching dishes... which I finally did this morning! Evertime I ask to help Esther says no no no rest... no no no i will let you do it later. So this morning I didn't have anything to do... so i just did them! Yay! It's just like home really, my appt doesn't have a dishwasher.

 Sack race!!! Justin fell when it was his turn.. hehehe

So little Joshua was being really stubborn on Saturday. He really really really wanted the microphone. Like really wanted it.

1 comment:

  1. Samantha, loved catching up on your blog. Pretty cool that our paths crossed on the flight over. Great to see pics of Koro and hear about your trip so far. Aloysius and Esther's home looks amazing! Last time I was there in 2010 you almost had to wear a hard hat inside. Also the church didn't have a roof at that point. Wow, lots of change! It's great that you were there for the wheelchair distribution! I almost came up there for that event, but in the end felt I needed stay with our team in Gaba/Mukono. Really small world. Francis and Adrienne Mugwanya are friends from Gaba Community Church. When they said they were about to go to Koro for a distribution, I couldn't believe it! I saw them after they returned, and they shared amazing praise reports from that week. Many lives turned to Christ! I tried calling Alyosius while in country, but I wasn't able to get through. Please pass along my greetings to him, Esther, Lydia, Moreen, and Olive. Miss the team there. Also... if you make it over to Lajwatek, that's the location where our church donated funds to SOI for a deep-water well installation a few years ago. Blessings. And keep the posts coming! :) Brian
