Monday, August 13, 2012

It's almost 5 in the morning and I think my time-zone confusion caused me to wake up at 3. I have been trying to cycle through some pictures. So I want to do a post just of many pictures from the most recent activities and maybe some old ones I didn't get a chance to put. Enjoy :)

This was the final picture I took in Uganda with my African mother Esther. I love her so much and really was crying in my heart when I said goodbye to Esther and Joshua. But I know and they know one day I will see them again.

This is Ivan! I interviewed him the very last day! We were tight for time so I didn't get to do all the shopping I wanted but at least I got to talk to him. I am hoping to help him with University studies for engineering. I think I talked about what inspired me in an earlier post so if you want the full version you might want to read further back. But in short he is very smart, has been a leader in the slum ministries for a while (he still lives in the slum by the way) and since I am an engineer I really see the value in that sort of education. Pray that I can work it out to maybe find someone to sponsor his schooling...... its really really NOT expensive.

Me and my BEST FRIEND! :)

This one is compliments of Karen.......

Also compliments of Karen..............

The futbol team for the mechanics. They are from the Central so they speak Luganda and I was playing the match when we were competing against them.  I don't know why but I was asked to take their picture....

Kampala chess program

Gulu town....

These next few pictures are from the time we went to Lagutu village for the meeting (that was 5 hours long) and for the images of the children saying thank you to different sponsors. If you dont remember when I posted, Lagutu is the village I went to in 2008 so it was cool to see it again.

This is a student who did well in school and was given gifts. Of course they wanted the "women from outside" to congratulate them.....



Children are saying "Thank you!" to Aloysius's video camera.

I hope you have enjoyed!! Thank you for all your care and prayers.

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